Archive for the ‘News’ Category
Maximising Small Wardrobe Spaces: Tips for Compact Bedrooms
Okay, let’s be honest with each other. You’ve watched Marie Kondo on Netflix, or at least seen the ‘how to fold’ clips on YouTube, but you actually haven’t done anything about your own wardrobe disaster! Well, you would not be the first person, nor the last to finally get around to tidying up your closet clutter. We have put together a shortlist of 5 Tips To Clear The Clutter so you can stop feeling guilty, and start enjoying using your wardrobe!
What is the Best Way to Store Shoes?
Shoes and boots are your hardest working accessories, and they aren’t cheap to replace either. But even despite their value, it can be easy to let long-term shoe care fall to the wayside. Are you one of those people who shoves all of your shoes inside a wardrobe in a big pile? If you answered yes, don’t worry. You’re not alone. Knowing how to store […]
Why organised spaces are better for your brain
It’s that time of year to get spring cleaning!!!! How good does it feel when all the housework is done, your cupboards and drawers are all in an organised fashion and everything has a home? There’s a reason for that! Did you know… An organised space sends signals of safety to your nervous system, giving […]
How to plan your wardrobe
If you’re like most people, you spend a lot of time scrolling through pretty pictures of amazingly organised wardrobes with beautiful people living their best life and you start to dream about how your wardrobe could look just like this, only to then be confronted with the thought “Who am I kidding, I can’t do this, I wouldn’t even know where to start”. The answer is: You can have a wardrobe like that. And it is not as hard as you think it is!